For Full Results:
November 23, 2019
Capital District WMCA
Schenectady, NY
The Natural Destroyers (Nick Sullivan & Terrell Kenneth) won a Battle Royal (10:58)
Mike Skyros defeated High Voltage Omar (9:21)
Foxx Vinyer defeated Jason Sinclair (9:49)
Danny Atom defeated Axel Lennox and Mattick (8:29)
Kennedi Copeland defeated Miss DeVille (7:55)
M.O.B. (Jimmy Jact Cash & Zack Clayton) defeated Sons of Wrestling (Brandon Lee & Caddilac Jones) (10:34)
Papadon defeated Garrett Holiday and Slyck Wagner Brown and Victor Benjamin (9:46)
ICW Women's Championship: Christina Marie (c) defeated Lady Frost (7:45)
No Disqualification Handicap: Lenn Oddity defeated Blaze Haram & Mr. Mann (9:12)
ICW Northeast Championship: Rick Recon defeated Bin Hamin (c) (9:24)
ICW Heavyweight Championship: Sean Carr (c) defeated Bobby Ocean (8:13)